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Open Call Peace-Mural 2025
We are looking for artists and crews!

The Wohnbaugruppe Augsburg (WBG) and the Peace Office of the City of Augsburg, in cooperation with the Augsburg graffiti association “Die Bunten e.V.”, are once again inviting applications for a mural design as part of the cultural program for the Augsburg High Peace Festival 2025.

Artists and crews are being sought to design a large-scale mural during the peace festival.

You can download the call for entries with further information below.


Ausschreibung (Deutsch)

Wandbild im Rahmen des Friedensfestprogrammes 2025


Open Call (English)

Mural as part of the Peace Festival Program 2025

The Project

Since 2013, large-scale murals with artistic statements in public spaces have been drawing attention to the focal points of the Peace Festival and socio-political issues. The first mural was created on the theme of “Protest” on the building of the Association for Social Services at the Blaue Kappe. This was followed in 2014 by a mural on the theme of “Home” at the Grandhotel Cosmopolis and in 2015 on the theme of “Borders” at the decentralized asylum accommodation Spichererschule in Pfersee. In 2016, a mural on “Courage for Diversity” was created at the Lechhotel and the Martinssschule. In 2018, the mural on the theme of “Utopia” was created on a WBG residential building on Alter Postweg. In 2019, the theme of “Freedom” was immortalized on a house facade at Jakobertorplatz 2-6, and in 2020 the theme of “Rituals” at Reichenberger Straße 50. As part of the cultural program for the 2021 High Peace Festival, a mural on the theme of “Für_Sorge” was created on the facade of a residential building at Göggingerstraße 48 between 21 July and 8 August. In the summer of 2022, a large facade painting on the theme of “Cohesion” was created by Alex Senna at the main railway station. For the tenth anniversary in 2023, the three Augsburg artists Sophie Te (Sophie Tröster), Nonti (Nontira Kigle) and Nea (Lena Hofmann) designed the peace mural on the theme of “Creativity”. In 2024, Claire Prouvost and Soihe creatively explored the theme of “Democracy”. The peace mural can be seen in Göggingen. 

2024 #Demokratie 

Die Säulen der Domokratie unter einer starken Sonne

von Claire Prouvost und Soihe

Bürgermeister-Aurnhammer-Straße 10

© Daniel Tröster

2023 #Kreativität


von Sophie Te, Nontira Kigle und Lena Hofmann

Donauwörther Straße 23

 © bei Künstlerinnen

2022 #Zusammenhalt


von Alex Senna


 © Sebastian Bühler

2021 #Für_sorge

Eine Hand für_sorgt die andere!

von Daniel Döbner

Gögginger Straße 48

 © Christian Menkel

2020 #Rituale

Keine Arbeit, keine Liebe, kein Erwachsenwerden. Kein Leben

von Eva Krusche und Vera Daffner

Reichenberger Straße 50

 © Christian Menkel

2019 #Freiheit


von Julia Heinisch und Frederic Sontag

Jakobertorplatz 2-6

 © Christian Menkel

2018 - Utopie. Was wäre wenn...

"Wenn alles eine Einheit bildet"

von Guido Zimmermann

Alter Postweg 66

 © Christian Menkel

2017 Bekennen

Inside Out Projekt

von Florian Schlessmann und Sebastian Wallner

Übernacht Hostel, Karlstraße 4

 © Christian Menkel

2016 - Mut

von SARE

Neuburger Straße 31

 © Christian Menkel


MUT statt Wut!


Martinschule, Pestalozzistraße 12

 © Christian Menkel

2015 Grenzen

Color Crossers - Grenzgänger*innen Willkommen

von Fredric Sonntag

Spichererschule in Pfersee

 © Christian Menkel

2014 Heimat

"Colorcosmopolis" Die eigenen drei Wände

von Kollektiv "Colorcosmopolis" mit im Grandhotel ansässigen Künstlern: Max Birkl und BRNZN, unterstützt vom Künstlerkollektiv "Captain Borderline"

Grandhotel Cosmopolis

 © Christian Menkel

Mural 2013_c_Christian Menkel

2013 Protest


Kollektiv "Captain Borderline" (Colorrevolution e.V.)

Klinkertorstraße 12

 © Christian Menkel